
Summary Of Paris Street: Rainy Day By Gustave Caillebotte

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“Paris Street; Rainy Day” is an oil on canvas painting by Gustave Caillebotte in 1877. The painting is illustrated in Place de Dublin, Paris as it depicts the everyday people of modern day 19th century Paris. In the foreground to the right a middle class man and woman are seen juxtaposed together under an umbrella, possibly husband and wife, holding arm in arm. The man is seen with a mustache, holding the umbrella, while wearing a black top hat, frock coat, black bow tie, and a white button down shirt. The woman is seen with diamond earrings, wearing a hat with a veil, a brown dress, and fur lined coat. In the far background, slightly right to the man is another man seen holding an easel or ladder and to the right of the woman a maid can be seen about to step outside with an umbrella. In the foreground to the left is a cobblestone road is filled with rainwater in between the cracks can be found, other people are apparent as well holding umbrellas, two carriages, and various street lamps. …show more content…

Amazingly, he was able to recreate a camera’s lens blur as the foreground is slightly unfocused, while the middle ground is the sharpest, and the background fades into the distance becoming more and more blurred. The painting is very much linear as the green lamppost in the center divides the piece vertically; while a horizontal line can be found where the central most building meets the ground which can be traced to the couple in the foreground eyes. The vertical and horizontal lines divide the painting in fourths, balancing it equally. Furthermore, linear perspective is largely used as two vanishing points could be seen as you look down and along the road and central building, creating a two-point

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