
Summary Of Republic By Plato

Decent Essays

Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher and was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. Republic by Plato is one of the top-ten most influential works on politics ever. Throughout his book and specifically the chapter I will be speaking upon which is chapter eight, Plato’s main questions are: What is justice? And what leads to democracy? Plato attempts to figure out what a just city is like and what a just man looks like as well how democracy comes to be. Throughout my paper, I will be talking about Plato’s argument towards just cities and democracy, but specifically, his argument in which states: Cities come to be certain ways because of the ways their individual people are. If that’s true, then there must be as many kinds of people as there are kinds of cities. So, there are as many kinds of people as there are kinds of cities. I do not agree with his statement so I will be giving my argument against his as well as an objection to my argument and why mine would be successful.
To start off, Plato gives a very detailed description of what he believes a just city is and what a just man looks like. To Plato, these descriptions appear traditional, but to an average person, they are a little odd. Some of the features Plato’s believes make a just city are that wives must be in common, children and all their education must be in common. Plato is stating that he believes that there should be an extreme censorship in education in order for children to grow up only learning

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