
Summary Of Rudyard Kipling's Attitude To British Empire

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Rudyard Kipling’s attitude towards the British Empire was significantly negative. The novella essentially expressed Kipling’s feelings towards British Imperialism and his overall frustration with the British Empire. However, there are several positive qualities of the Empire pointed out by Kipling several times throughout his novella. Despite his mixed feelings, he is ultimately dissatisfied with the British Empire, claiming that it is “the White Man’s Burden”. Kipling was a steadfast imperialist, living in a time of British domination and oppression. He shared similar outlooks with the natives, that the majority of them were oppressed by the government and the wealthy. The upper class was greedy and wanted working men to do all of the work for them so that they could reap the profits. Kipling conveys his attitude towards British Imperialism through parallelism and figurative language. Kipling uses Daniel Dravot’s ultimate downfall as a representation of the downfall of the British Empire. Much like Dravot, the Empire was very prideful and powerful. They wanted to expand and expand, believing that their mighty empire was invincible. Ultimately, they overextended, becoming power-crazy, and it led to their demise. Dravot became engulfed with it, leading him to a similar end. This parallel was shown when Carnehan says “Therefore, such as it is, we will let it alone, and go away to some other place where a man isn’t crowded and can come to his own. Therefore, we are

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