
Summary Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a chivalric romance from the fourteenth century Middle English. The poem was written by Gawain Poet and talks about the story about Sir Gawain and his encounter with the Green Knight. In this poem, the reader can see the journey of Sir Gawain and how he goes through stages of nobility to humility. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight consist of many themes throughout the poem. One of the major themes of this poem is Sir Gawain ability to show the reader his passage to maturity. He shows his passage to maturity by passing three major tests that are thrown in his way. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the story about the noble Sir Gawain who accepts the challenge of the Green Knight who makes a deal allowing Sir Gawain to strike him with his own axe only if Sir Gawain goes to the Green Knight in a year to receive the same blow. Sir Gawain cuts off the head of the Green Knight who reiterates the agreement made and rides off into the land. Sir Gawain is not fond of the deal made but still heads to face the Green Knight only to go through difficult tasks in his journey to the Green Knight. The travel was long and dangerous which made Sir Gawain take shelter at a castle where he is warmly welcome by a lady and host. There, another deal is struck in which the host would hunt every day and return at night to exchange the winnings Sir Gawain acquired by staying at the castle. Sir Gawain agrees to the deal and stays back while the hosts hunts. Sir

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