
Summary Of The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

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What was the most significant truth you learned from this book and what makes it so significant? How will you apply this new knowledge to your future? Abraham Lincoln supported the Civil war as he felt that it was necessary to prevent secession of the Southern States, even though the states had the right to secede. He was against the institution of slavery expanding and he grew up with a family that attended a Baptist church that opposed slavery. However, it is uncertain as to what Lincoln’s views on African Americans truly were as he appealed to his voters, white men. The most significant truth I learned from Killing Lincoln was that there are horrible people from all walks of life; however, blind hatred should not be condoned. Blind hatred …show more content…

John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln while he was unarmed and sitting next to his wife watching a play. To most American citizens he was a crazed murderer without a conscience, but to others, such as the countless southern sympathizers as a result of the Civil War, he was a martyr for their cause. At the time of Lincoln’s assassination the war was essentially over, Booth killed because he and his fellow southern sympathizers were sore losers. He did not murder to satisfy a sick perversion; he killed to atone for the sins of the union. Booth went to church, he was well educated, he was an actor, he had charisma, all of the traits of someone who should not have been a felon, but he was. He was not perfect, he was racist, and he fervently supported his opinions, which is not necessarily an evil action, but with freedom comes the potential for great actions of differing morals. He was politically motivated to assassinate Lincoln, he was not insane. He believed that the best country in the world was the United States before the Civil War, and like Lincoln did with his presidency and the Emancipation Proclamation, he made great efforts to enact changes in radical ways. However, I believe that the killing of another human

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