
Summary Of The Beet Queen By Louise Erdrich

Decent Essays

The Beet Queen by Louise Erdrich is a story based on the time that the dust bowl was happening in the year of 1932 which was the year where 14 dust storms were recorded. In the first chapter called “ The Branch ” we have an introduction of the characters. In the first chapter Erdrich uses a compassionate tone as well as being very descriptive all through the chapter. These two things made the reader be able to picture everything in their head as they read the passage causing them to have a better image of what was going on in that chapter. Erdrich uses a compassionate tone all throughout this chapter. Knowing that the story is based in the time of the great depression and the dust bowl we already get a depressing vibe from reading the first …show more content…

When describing Karl and his younger sister Mary she put in a lot of effort, adding in words one hasn't read as a way to describe someone. “ The boy was a tall fourteen, hunched with his sudden growth and very pale. His mouth was sweetly curved, his skin fine and girlish. His sister was only eleven years old, but already she was so short and ordinary that it was obvious she would be this way all her life. Her name was square and practical as the rest of her. Mary.” (13-19). With his type of description the reader can clearly picture both of the kids knowing how different they are from one another. Erdrich uses the word sweetly to describe the curve that karl's lips had, something that is unusual to find in a description of a person. In the opposite direction Mary is described as being an ordinary girl. “ His cheeks went pink, he stretched his arms out like a sleepwalker, and in one long transfixed motion he floated to the tree and buried his face in the white petals.” (46-49). In this sentence, which describes the way Karl was hypnotized by the tree, Erdrich describes Karl behaving like a sleepwalker something we could clearly picture in our heads. We can see how Karl fell “ in love” with the tree by the way that scene was described, in many cartoon one has seen these things happen to a character when they fall in love making this

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