
Summary Of The Enigma Of Arrival

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Status is a plague to today’s society, more specifically, the status that good appearances portray to the outside world. People focus more on how appealing something appears to be to others that they often ignore its true value. V.S Naipaul, a Nobel Laureate born in Trinidad, shares a perspective of how the most fortunate do not always end up being the happiest people. Happiness is more of a journey; a goal that must be achieved. In V.S. Naipaul’s “The Enigma of Arrival”, superstructure is conveyed through the characters and the story’s sympathetic tone with the use of detail, syntax and diction. Naipaul suggests to readers that social class does not divide society, but rather creates a platform In “The Enigma of Arrival,” detail best represents the sympathetic tone that the author first directs at himself, having grown up of a lower social class. Growing up in poverty is common in today’s world, although it is still shocking to people that there are others living poorly in such developed countries. Through the memory of the protagonist’s home life as a child, the sympathetic tone becomes conspicuous, as he mentions that “Those nerves had been given me as a child in Trinidad partly by our family circumstances: the half-ruined or broken-down houses we lived in, our many moves, our general uncertainty” (Naipaul 1). The author did not grow up in the most prosperous circumstances, but he did have his family. They stuck together through the unfortunate circumstances, despite

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