
Summary Of The Film V For Vendetta

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In the film “V for Vendetta” directed by James McTeigue, the sequence I close read was the killing of Sutler, Creedy, and V. This sequence was extremely intense and had me sitting on the edge of my seat all throughout. Four techniques that were used in this sequence by McTeigue that made this so consuming were camera angles, camera shots, camera movement and sound effects.
Firstly, let us take a look at the technique, camera angles. McTeigue uses camera angles to show us who has the power and more dominance out of the two characters. When V says to Sutler, “At last, we finally meet” the camera is positioned behind Sutler’s silhouette on a low angle. Sutler is on his knees, trapped by two of Creedy’s men while V is standing up and has a lot of free space around him. McTeigue using the low angle as the camera is focused on V speaking shows us that V has the power and dominance over Sutler in this conversation. Another time this technique is used is when Creedy is about to shoot Sutler. The camera is positioned at a low angle, Creedy is looking down and pointing his gun down (to Sutler who is not in this frame). Not only does Creedy have a gun pointing down at Sutler that already gives Creedy a lot of power but, for McTeigue to use the low angle as well makes the shot more intense and it just completely strips Sutler of any power he had left.
Secondly, an important technique McTeigue also uses in this sequence is camera shots. Obviously, there was a lot of camera shots used but, I picked out a few that I thought were quite important in this sequence. The first was an extreme close up (ECU) used by McTeigue when the camera was focusing on Sutler’s eyes just before Creedy was about to shoot him. The last time we see Sutler before this shot is him chuckling to himself. So, when McTeigue uses an extreme close up to show Sutler’s eye widening in fear and realisation, it shows that Sutler had just realised or taken into consideration that he was actually going to die. McTeigue also used an extreme close up when V puts the Scarlet Carson in Sutler’s pocket. V gives these roses to his victims before they die. It is a symbol of freedom. So, V giving this to Sutler and McTeigue using an extreme close up to show this

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