
Summary Of ' The Last Of The Mohicans '

Decent Essays

Lee 1
Daniel Lee
English III AP, 7th period
27 October 2015
Word Count: 979
To Mix or Not to Mix? The official mixing of the Natives and white Europeans began during the French and Indian War when the white settlers collided with the Natives. People of the 1700s held divided perspectives on the increasing prevalence of miscegenation, and James Fenimore Cooper fictionalizes several of them in his oeuvre. The two groups nonetheless had numerous conflicts, which led to racist opinions and prejudices on both sides. James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans, while endowing humanity to the Native Americans through certain character portrayals, actually reinforces stereotypes about Native Americans and ultimately suggests that they are an inferior race to whites. In the novel, Europeans feel superior to Native Americans, creating a clash between identities that does not permit coexistence. Although Hawkeye interacts with both cultures, “as a man without a cross who lives with natives but remains insistently white, Hawkeye is allowed to negotiate all possible worlds by remaining either genetically or geographically detached” (McIntosh-Byrd 146). Hawkeye stays detached from the whites but still prefers them to the natives. He does not wish to be part of the native culture because he holds disparaging views of their primitive weapons and limited scientific knowledge. Hawkeye substantiates this
Lee 2 attitude when he asserts that, “I should think a rifle in

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