
Summary Of The Old Man And The Sea

Decent Essays

The book I choose to read for my summer reading assignment was The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.I choose to read this book not only because I could read it for both History and English classes but because the title sounded interesting.

When you hear the title The Old Man and the Sea what do you think of? Well I thought it would be something like maybe a man getting lost at sea. Well it was nothing what I thought it would be. It was not the best book have ever read.

The setting of the story that I read was Cuba it was near Havana in the 1940s.Most of the novel takes place in the old man's boat in the sea. During the day it was hard to see because of the sun being so bright but at night he could hardly sleep because of the cold temperatures.

There were not a lot of characters in this story, but the ones that were there played a big role. The protagonist of the story or the major character of the story was the Old Man or Santiago. The old man was wrinkled and scarred from working with heavy fish ropes, his eyes, which are the color of the sea, stayed cheerful. There are two different antagonist or character against the protagonist and they were the sharks and the marlins.

The sharks were mean creatures, they take what the Old Man had worked for and disrespected the marlin. The Old Man did not hate the marlin, he was more afraid of him than against him. The boy or Manolin was known different places throughout the story, the Old Man was an idol for him. The boy

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