
Summary Of The Scarlet Letter By Hester Prynne

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“Hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will even be transformed to love…” (Hawthorne 145). Nathaniel Hawthorne’s historical fiction novel, The Scarlet Letter, is a story of a woman in the 1850s living in a Puritan colony and the struggles she faces living as an outcast, hated by all, but still becomes a caring and kind person. Hawthorne’s tenacious and forgiving protagonist character Hester Prynne defies the Puritan community; her recognition of the sins she has committed and the actions she takes afterward prove that transgressions do not delineate personality.
Hester Prynne came to the new world alone. Her husband, Roger Chillingworth, sent her saying that he would eventually follow. After years of waiting and loneliness in the new world, Hester has an affair with another man, for whom she has deep feelings. From this action Hester becomes pregnant and the Puritan community discovers her sin. Hawthorne first introduces Hester while she is walking out of the town jail with a baby in her arms. Because of her child, Pearl, and the circumstances concerning her husband, Hester was not given the full punishment of adultery, which was death. Instead, she was publicly humiliated by being forced to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her chest to symbolize her sin and forever mark her. This letter was created to remind her of her crime and to place shame, but she embroiders the letter with intricate gold threading, “.. was that Scarlet Letter, so fantastically embroidered and

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