
Summary Of The Search For Tomorrow In Today's Soap Operas

Decent Essays

In Tania Modleski’s “The Search for Tomorrow in Today’s Soap Operas” she introduces that the rare appearance and function of soap opera in two ways. The first being the viewer’s ability to occupy the text’s recommendation of the viewers position of ‘the good mother’, and the second using the stereotype ‘villainess’ to displace one’s own bottled up anger and powerlessness. I will analyze these two functions by using Modleski’s perspectives on the positions of soap operas, how a new genre of reality television programs that are featured today function in a similar way. Modleski argues that soap operas are crucial in understanding women’s role in today’s culture. She claims that in viewing soap operas, the viewer can identify with each of the characters together, and is able to jump between each of the characters instantly, as she sets herself up emotionally with all of them. In the essay, Modleski states that “the family is, for many women, their only support, and soap operas offer the assurance of its immortality” (Modleski 131). The viewer that Modelski is referencing to is the mother, hence carrying out to all plot improvements and new events, although even in this state of explanation she does not, or cannot, create a particular bias or take an interest in just one of her ‘children’ over another (133). She suggests that being in this position of the ‘good mother’ popular culture can change one’s concept of self and one’s identity. In depicting opposed themes such as good

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