
Summary Of Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War

Decent Essays

Historical Patterns Presented in Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War
Thucydides is known as one of the first historians to portray events that took place in his own words and thoughts during the ancient Greek period. His writing focuses on Greek history that captures events that happened in this age. Thucydides main focus in his writing was on the military, this includes famous battles such as the Peloponnesian war, as well as the political events that had occurred during his era of journalism. The war between Sparta and Athens was also another war that Thucydides tells us about at his point of view. But the main war that he shows us where the most political and physical battles took place was the Peloponnesian war (Morris). The events that …show more content…

One example of these events is the Peloponnesian War, which was observed in the first person by Thucydides (Morris). Thucydides would use writing styles that were implemented into the societies as part of their traditions. Events such as the way people would present speeches were inspired by political events that had occurred, and reported in Thucydides writing. The event which stimulated this change was by the Pericles Funeral Oration, which was an important report produced by Thucydides (Morris). Since that report, the way speeches were given had changed. Politicians and the general public would use these techniques in their meetings to provide a perfect …show more content…

His work was not made to entertain his audience, but it was made to tell the story to the future generations so they could see how these infamous events actually took place. This is a big reason on why his writing was so distinctive. Thucydides did not really include events that were religious based in his work. If religion was used, people could decide that the information that he is providing may show judgment towards their religion. This is because there are a large amount of religions present in this time, and if the incorrect word were said then many people would stop reading his work. Thucydides thought that god was only in people’s imagination to comfort them everyday life. So Thucydides thought that the style of writing should not be dictated by an outside influence

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