
Summary Of Under The Feet Of Jesus

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Being a foreign born girl that belongs to a migrant can cause a hindrance on her growth, attitude, and personality. In the novel Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena Maria Viramontes, Estrella appears to be rather frustrated until she accepts her battles with help from Perfecto Flores to gain self-confidence and a positive attitude. Viramontes utilizes an abundance of metaphors and specific details to convincingly persuade the reader that the battles that Estrella had to face in her novel but is worth noting that Viramontes offers a variant tone in the development of Estrella’s character in her novel, Under the Feet of Jesus.

Viramontes uses an abundance of metaphors in the beginning of her novel to start the development of Estrella’s character. Estrella is very agitated by the way she is being treated because she is the belonging to a migrant worker. The use of a metaphor in the beginning in Viramontes novel helps to develop Estrella. The metaphor used is …show more content…

Estrella did not have the greatest days at school as she was informed of things that were hidden from her at home. For example, the text states “asked how come her mama never gave her a bath.” Mrs. Horn asked Estrella if she has ever had a bath because from what she could observe Estrella was pretty dirty. However, Estrella was not necessarily dirty according to many people like her mother. According to the text “the wet towel wiped on her resistant face each morning, the vigorous brushing and tight braids her mother neatly weaved were not enough for Mrs. Horn.” Estrella’s mother actually did care about her daughter's appearance and cleanliness, it was just not enough for Mrs. Horn. Mrs. Horn just wanted her to look perfect, which children usually do not. Through words that were said to Estrella, she learned how much words can hurt a person’s

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