
Summary Of Virginia Woolf's Professions For Women And Thoughts On Peace By Virginia Woolf

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If thoughts on the world could represent an inanimate object in Virginia Woolf’s essays, they would most definitely be of an X-ray. Thus, Woolf’s Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid are both prime examples from her assortment of works that can be used as evidence, effectively showing her representation of the world. A representation that ends up being very reminiscent to an X-ray in more ways than one. As a result, examining both essays by Woolf would be the only way to show a consistency in her representation, especially because they create the effect in a very similar, but different way. Although hard to believe at first, this representation of the world being similar to an X-ray starts making sense after realizing the way in which Woolf dissects the world by giving deep insight on the unknown, uncovering its flaws, and making the world easy to understand, similar to how a radiologist would describe the results of an X-ray to a patient. The difference lies in the fact that Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace use different techniques and literary elements in order to create this effect. To begin with, Woolf mirrors a doctor by incorporating the use of imagery and figurative language in her essays, subsequently making her essays easier to understand. As a result, just as a radiologist would not use complex medical terms in order to explain an x-ray, Woolf does not make her arguments confusing, instead opting to make an argument more impactful

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