
Summary OfShopping By Joyce Oates And Fish Cheeks

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Lessons Learned: Mothers as Teachers in two Short Fiction Works. In the short stories “Shopping” by Joyce Oates and “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan, I discovered a connection in both stories about mothers love. Both show a gratitude of reasons on how and why mothers love is present. Both stories have a completely different morals but both come together into one meaning; mothers love.

In the short story “Shopping” by Joyce Oates, we experience the mother, Mrs. Dietrich, doing multiple things for her daughter, Nola, such as buying her expensive clothing. The author agrees when she writes, “...though the sweater by Sergio Valente, even ‘drastically reduced,’ is certainly not cheap. Mrs. Dietrich feels the motherly obligation to register a mild …show more content…

During the scene when Mrs. Dietrich keeps a closed tongue when Nola becomes snippy. She works very hard to not say things out of anger. The author reports that, “...But she sits stiff, turning her wineglass between her fingers. Mrs. Dietrich is afraid her daughter will leave the restaurant, simply walk away; that has happened before and if it happens today she doesn’t know what she will do.” Mothers work hard, physically and mentally.
With working hard, comes compassion and lessons learned. In both stories, we see a big similarity- tough love and lessons learned. In “Fish Cheeks” by Amy tan we see this in a silent lesson. As they invite the ministers family over for Christmas Eve dinner, the mother has a treat for them. They are a chinese family and they don’t celebrate it with the old fashioned turkey and mashed potatoes, which the daughter, Amy, is nervous about for she has a major crush on the minister's son. She becomes embarrassed about her heritage and says, “I wanted to disappear” (Tan). Towards the end of the story, when the minister’s family leaves, the mother pulls Amy aside and states, “You want to be the same as American girls on the outside.. But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame.” and response to her mother, Amy agrees when she writes, “And even though I didn’t agree with

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