
Summary: Smoking Cessation In Adolescents

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Smoking Cessation in Adolescents
According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) more than forty million Americans smoke or use some type of tobacco product. Many adult tobacco user admit they starting using tobacco while in their teens. Many adolescents who are currently smoking will continue into adulthood if the appropriate interventions are not applied, i.e smoking cessation education, age appropriate programs along with smoking cessation products. Currently there are very few programs developed out there that specifically address this problem dispute the best efforts of the CDC ("CDC," 2015).
Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework chosen for this subject is The Stages of Change. James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente …show more content…

This program is one the original programs from the American Lung Assocication that works with teenagers who smoke or use tobacco products. The program targeted teenagers from the age of 14 to 19. NOT is a voluntary program that is a ten week course that askes each teenager to recognize their own reason for smoking, as well as teach these teen ages alternative healthy methods to tobacco (The American Lung Association, 2015). The European Respiratory Journal stated that most teenagers who light up their first cigarettes are not fully aware of the health risks they are exposing themselves too. Some of the short term risks are mild to moderate respiratory issues and eventually tobacco dependence. The long term problem the teen face is the will continue to smoke throughout their adult life. Then they face long term chronic lung issues and many will die of a smoking related illness. This study also pointed out that teenagers who do not smoke are enrolled in sports and other activities, also the following reason contribute,
• Reminders from their …show more content…

Nurses or other health care professionals should document teens that are not interested in quitting and revisit the subject with that individual every 3 to 6 months ("," 2012). This currently remains on the of the most cost effective and worthwhile health projects that nurses can do for any adolescent. It is recommended that nurses who know adolescents who smoke should refer them to some type of intensive smoking cessation program. It is, also recommended that the nurse document on those individuals who are not interested in quitting smoking and revisit the subject with that individual in one year. ("," 2012) This remains one of the most cost-effective and worthwhile things that health specialists can do for any child or adolescent. There are currently over 3 million active RN’s in the United States convinced one person to stop the impact would be staggering (CDC,

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