
Summary: Stranger In Strangerland

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grok ɡräk/ verb USinformal 1. understand (something) intuitively or by empathy. "because of all the commercials, children grok things immediately" The first time I saw this word used it was in a book called “Stranger in Strangerland” by Robert Heinlein, it is also the place it was conceived, and I was the age of 19 or 20. I have heard the word coined twice out loud. The most recent being the movie on empathy. It’s funny, how some things come out of Science Fiction, this book has its roots in Mars. I have lived with someone with PTSD and unfortunately we were on a lease together. I triggered him when I confronted him, in a gentle way, that I didn’t like my door open when I had closed earlier that day on my way to work. I didn’t mention

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