
Ted Talk Debate Summary

Decent Essays

Summary – Ted Talk and Debate
I watched two videos about Mexico’s drug cartel this week, a Ted Talk and a debate on whether the U.S. is to blame for the Mexican Drug War. The Ted talk focused on the business aspect of drug cartels, which is something that I don’t hear very often. The debate video was two teams debating to sway the audience’s opinion on whether the U.S. is to blame for the Mexican Drug Wars. While each person had their own unique ideas, it seemed likely most or all of them agreed on one point, and that was that the U.S. did share some of the responsibility for the drug war. In both videos, they discussed the business side of the drug cartels. The bulk of this conversation happened in the Ted Talk, although there were a few short discussions in the main debate that I listened to. …show more content…

While it should be logical that an organization with the reach and profits that a drug cartel has would have to have great organization or distribution/production routes, it is not something that I have ever heard talked about before. Most of the time when I think of drug gangs or cartels, I think of the (somewhat fake or cheesy) henchmen you see in movies, or the small-time, local gang members that you hear about on the news. The highest person I had heard about was El Chapo, and even that was focused more on his escape than his background or why he was in jail in the first place. I also did not know that the U.S. has created such a huge demand for drugs, and I feel like that is something that is not something that I would not have been able to “stumble” across, so to speak. It completely surprised me that over 50% of the world’s drug demand has come from the United

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