
Summary: The Devil Of Ramadi

Decent Essays

Do you know who the Devil of Ramadi is? The Devil of Ramadi is Chris Kyle a former Navy Seal. Kyle was an elite sniper for the United States Military. He was born and raised in Texas. He joined the military in 1999 and quit in 2009 to be with his family. He joined the military because he thought he was made to do something more with his life. Chris used perseverance, adaptability and bravery to survive being a Navy SEAL. For starters, there are many examples of Chris Kyle’s survival skills. Firstly Chris relied on perseverance. For example Christopher Klien an author for History in the Headlines shares that Chris hesitated on his first shot because it was a woman, then he later said “It was my duty to shoot and I don’t regret it.”(Klien).

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