
Summary: The Importance Of Membership In M-OADN

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The Importance of Membership in M-OADN There are many benefits to having a membership in professional nursing organizations such as the Mississippi Chapter of Associate Degree Nursing, known as M-OADN. Some of the benefits include continuing education, networking opportunities and having an increased awareness of issues affecting the nursing profession. In addition to these benefits, some employers prefer to hire nurses who are members of a professional organization. Keynote Address Summary The speaker for the 2016 M-OADN convention was professional speaker and author Marcus Engel. Mr. Engel shared his story of surviving a horrific motor vehicle accident at the age of 18 and his amazing story of recovery. Mr. Engel has a gift for captivating the audience and making them feel like they are right there with him. By …show more content…

Although it was not exciting material, it was interesting. The most interesting aspect was the use of assessment in the program. Some may have never considered the use of assessment in smoking cessation before. Mrs. Luckett spoke on how encourage the smoker to quit and well as the process for leading the smoker to cessation. Along the way, it is important to “assess” the smokers’ readiness to quit. Dr. Susan Lofton’s speech, “Horton Hears a Sue,” offered important information on how to the nurse can protect herself in legal proceedings. Not surprisingly, the best defense is good, ethical patient care and meticulous, factual, non-judgmental documentation. Another very interesting point Dr. Lofton made was the impact a nurse’s social media profile can have in a courtroom. It does not seem right that a nurse’s weekend trip to the beach that she worked hard to afford should be used to make her look like a stripper or an alcoholic, yet that is the reality of the modern age. As nurses, we have the responsibility to present ourselves and in turn, our profession, as respectable, ethical

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