
Summary: The Importance Of Vaccination

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Moving means a whirlwind of to-do lists, fix-it lists, and shopping lists. There is so much to do that the day-to-day health of your family could get neglected in the wake of it all. Here’s what you should be doing during a move, before you pack that final box, to make sure you’re taking care of the health of your family.

One step that’s very important – and often overlooked – is to ask your doctor, dentist and any other health specialist for your family’s medical records. These record include any vaccinations that are current or scheduled, the latest test results, and your history of any allergies and chronic health issues. Don’t forget to ask the chiropractor, physiotherapist, health coach, or any other health service.

If pets are moving with you, don’t forget to ask your veterinarian for copies of your cat or dog’s records as well. It’s really important to ask for their vaccination history and any history of adverse reactions to medications and treatments as well as chronic conditions. If your vet provides you with special pet food, take home an extra bag or two, because it may take awhile to locate a new clinic in your new neighborhood. …show more content…

It’s smart to check your family’s prescriptions to make sure you have enough medications to last you through the move and into your new home. It’s a good idea to order at least a one or two-months supply for chronic, ongoing conditions. If you don’t have enough medication, you may need a refill of your prescription which would require a doctor’s appointment. When you get a chance, check to see how many refills are

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