
Summary: The No Child Left Behind Act

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The No Child Left Behind Act was proposed in the mid-1990’s, however; it was not until June 2001 when it got voted on, shortly after President George W. Bush signed in to law in January 2002. The No Child Left Behind Act was popular spite it’s many flaws. NCLB had strong intentions, however, there were many underlying issues that were not recognized until the act was put in to action.
When the Act was first introduced many people including parents and teachers were ecstatic. It was not until soon after that many realized and felt their children’s education was being shorted. One of the top priorities of NCLB was to reach 100% proficiency in mathematics and reading with all students enrolled in to the public school system by 2013-2014 academic …show more content…

These challenges are limitations of standardized testing, and the difficulty in comparing AYP scores across the nation. Standardized testing scores are not only a result of what the child knows, but the test scores are also influenced by their current health state, what their family background is, prior education, and what their economic status is. Another factor that may challenge the students testing ability is the testing conditions. Many students have a hard time focusing if it is noisy outside the testing room, if they are uncomfortable whether it is too hot or too cold in the room, and many other similar distractions. I can personally relate and do believe my test scores have had an impact, when I am not able to focus solely on the test I am taking and my attention is on the outside noises or temperature I get distracted therefore, I am not paying as close of attention to what is on the test. The other challenge that has come along is comparing standardized testing …show more content…

Shira Rubenstein a 3rd grade teacher in New York City stated, “We don’t fill out bubble test, or assignments, and we don’t think in bubbled ways” she then goes to say how even colleges don’t use a single form of testing when looking to admit students, “so why are just using one variable of testing with our youth” she continues to say that if we want children to apply something, we should make them apply it in its entirety, lastly she goes to say how standardized bubble testing is not appropriate for their age level. Rubenstein asked her class to write down how the felt before their standardized test, and if they felt prepared for it, the students replies left her in a draw, she was unsure of what to do because many of her students said how they were very nervous and that they shouldn’t be judged on how they perform on a single test, they should “look at our homework, or how we write” stated one 3rd grader in Rubenstein’s class. (Wilson,

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