
Summary: Transition Into Parenting

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In an article written by Volling, Oh, Gonzalez, Kuo, and Yu, (2015) parenting stress and how the parents feel about caring for the firstborn may play a role in how the couple adjusts after the birth of the second child (Volling, Oh, Gonzalez, Kuo, & Yu, 2015). After the birth of the second child however, the division of childcare was not a critical part of the transition process because those roles had already been defined. The transition period from one child to two may stress marital relations for some families however there was no evidence that the birth of a second child gave rise to a family crisis (Volling et al., 2015).
According to research done by Shapiro, Hahm, Gottman, and Content (2011), transition into parenting begins with

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