
Summer Reading Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

How to Encourage Your Students to Read over the summer
Encouraging your students to read this summer may not be an easy task to do, since there are plenty of other enjoyable summer activities to do than reading. However, you and your students worked very hard all over the school year to build a better quality of learning. So, rather than just putting their books on the side, the most efficient way to make a summer reading a successful and reality is to make it entertaining.
What are those Reading strategies should be used to encourage your students?
Listed below are the strategies that you can try to let your students become motivated to read this summer. These are as follows:
• Set a Reading Goals
Your students will become more prone to go …show more content…

• Help your students to access reading materials
Motivate your students to take an advantage of the free resources that are available at their local library. Furthermore, they might be acquainted that they can get books, yet they might not be acquainted that they can try out to use the computer, try out movies, video games or even try to adhere community reading programs. Struggling readers can remain defiant to reading when they do not totally have to, On the other hand, the best time to establish them to audio books or audio visual read along websites is now.
• Create a Summer Reading Community
This is the best prompter to keep them reading in a way that can help those kids that are shy to remain social even outside of the school. As much as possible, motivate them to meet up over the summer to talk regard to the books on their priority lists. For the older students, have them to put mutually a reading calendar and organize their own book club assemblies. While for the younger students, you can send home contact information regards to various members of the group, so that the parents can gather an

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