
Summit Community Bank 's Commercial Loan Portfolio

Decent Essays

Summit Community Bank’s Commercial Loan Portfolio has a 2.9 billion total comprised of the following type loans and life cycles: Start- Up: 8.44% of our portfolio is considered in this life-cycle. While we define or categorize our loans differently, collectively, we have classified our Construction and Development Tier to this life-cycle stage. Because this is the highest-risk category, it obviously reflects why it is such a small portion contributing to our portfolio. -Family Housing Construction- Pre-sold -Family Housing Construction- Spec - Multi-family Housing Construction -Non-Residential Building Construction- Owner occupied -Residential Land Subdivisions -Commercial Land Subdivisions -Residential Building lots Investor/Builder -Commercial Building lots Investor/Builder -Raw Land -Residential Building lots – Homeowner -Commercial building lots- Owner Grow-Mature: 88.31% of our portfolio is attributed by this life-cycle. To our bank, this is our target client. Typically, we reach-out to already established companies, some who have a relationship already with us, to finance, to expand, renovate facilities, or fund other business opportunities with their financial reputation. In effect, our bank view’s and assesses the two cycles the same. -Farm Land/ Agricultural/ Timber -Mobile Home Parks -Multi-family housing (non-construction) -Non-residential, non-owner occupied professional -Non-residential, non-owner occupied medical -Non-residential,

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