
Sun-Tzu Preaches

Decent Essays

The developing nature of society in the modern world attests to Sun-Tzu’s proverbs and teachings in the “Art of War” in more ways than most people would commonly associate. The major concept which Sun-Tzu preaches in his writings pertains to preparation, and presents itself as a major theme in his writings. Sun-Tzu eludes that war is a carefully orchestrated series of events, these events are composed of common ideals: knowledge, deception and leadership. Sun-Tzu’s lessons relate extremely well many companies in today’s business world, as success is predominantly reliant on the correct use of a few main characteristics. Although Sun-Tzu’s theme is not relevant to businesses such as non-profits, in a warlike business environment such as investment banking, his teachings are invaluable. …show more content…

Sun-Tzu preaches how invaluable preparation is throughout the entire novel, whether it is learning your enemy, fooling your enemy, or simply reinforcing your own forces, it is detrimental to go to war carelessly, as a war completely avoided, is a victory in it of itself. Once again, Sun-Tzu’s knowledge pertains to the real world, an agency would be foolish in challenging another without reason. "The greatest victory is that which requires no battle” (Tzu ). However, even though Sun-Tzu is praised for his work, it is common that people mistake his teachings only for use in war, battle or similar causes. Idealistically, a great thinker would take the greatest teachings from completely irrelevant sources, and make them relevant to their own process, but for most, this type of thinking is very abstract. These types of thinkers bring about the shortcomings in Sun-Tzu’s

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