Dear Reader, Would you like to learn about the generals who fought for the Union or the Confederate? ________________________________________________________ First off, What is a general? A general is someone who leads an army or is an officer at a very high rank. ________________________________________________________Ulysses S. Grant He was born April 27, 1822 point Pleasant, OH and died July 23, 1885 Wilton, NY. He was buried August 8, 1885 General Grant National Memorial, New York City, NY. Facts Ulysses wasn’t his first name. Hiram Ulysses Grant is his real full name but at schools people made fun of him so he changed it to Ulysses. He was the 18th President of the US from March 4, 1869 - March 4, 1877 the Republican Party. His Family He was married to Julia Grant on August 22, 1848. They had four children …show more content…
Grant Jr. Quotes “The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on”. “I only know two tunes; one of them is yankee doodle and the other one
Ulysses S. Grant had a big part in the Civil War because he was the leader of the Union’s army and soon would become president. Ulysses S. Grant was born Hiram Ulysses Grant on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. His named was soon changed because of a writing error on his first day at the United States Military Academy. He was the commander and chief of the Union and lead the army against the confederacy. He was chosen by Lincoln of all his victories like the battles at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga.
The election of Ulysses S. Grant to President in 1868, was out of a need to for Radical Republicans to have a like-minded president in office unlike that of President Johnson who had been impeached, but not fired by Congress. This was a political power play that the Republicans needed to maintain control and to continue their version of Reconstruction upon the South. During his presidency his ability to wage war and place the correct people in charge did not transition well into the civilian role as President. President Grant’s terms would be plagued by indecision that nearly destroyed the nation’s economy, took advantage of the spoils of his position, and failed to maintain a platform which to politically stand on. President Grant may have been an excellent military General, but he was unable to let go the military man that he was and
General Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. Grant was a republican and the 18th president of the United States. In the year 1865, as general, Ulysses S. Grant let the Union to victory over the Confederacy in the Civil War. Winning the Civil war and enforcing the civil rights laws were some of Grant’s contributions to the United States.
When we compare the military leaders of both North and South during the Civil War, it is not hard to see what the differences are. One of the first things that stand out is the numerous number of Northern generals that led the “Army of the Potomac.” Whereas the Confederate generals, at least in the “Army of Northern Virginia” were much more stable in their position. Personalities, ambitions and emotions also played a big part in effective they were in the field, as well as their interactions with other officers.
Ulysses S. Grant started his career as a general for the Union army. He had served as the victorious Union general in the Civil War. He attended West Point and graduated from there. He was elected president in 1869. A great deal that helped Grant win his election was that he was deemed a national hero (; 2009). When Grant got into office he looked to Congress for help since he was thrown into a completely new environment of having to run things. Grant had a few scandals occur while he was president but was not really involved in them it was his administration
Ulysses S. Grant was not really his whole name. He was born Hiram Ulysses Grant but an error was made on his application to
Ulysses S. Grant On April 27, 1822 a boy was born to Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson Grant in the small town of Point Pleasant, Ohio. They named their son Hiram Ulysses Grant. In 1823 the family moved to a town nearby called Georgetown, Ohio, where Ulysses’ father owned a tannery and some farmland. Grant had two brothers and three sisters born in Georgetown.
Ulysses S. Grant was born with the name Hiram Ulysses Grant. He was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. Grant was named by his grandmother after his father lent her a book named Telemachus by Fenelon. His grandmother named him after Odysseus, but with Odysseus’ Roman name
Not all presidencies can have historic events of Washington or Jefferson. Some presidencies are consumed with political infighting or fractionation. President Ulysses Grant was born April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. He graduated from US Military Academy at West Point in New York. He served from 1846 through 1854 when he quit the Army. He quit to spend time with his wife and four children. In 1860 Grant began to organize soldiers for the Union. In 1861 Grant was made colonel of a regiment in Illinois and served until the end of the Civil War. (Rumsch, 2009) By the end of the Civil war Grant was a general and received the surrender from General Robert E Lee from the Confederacy. From this record Grant became the Republican nominee for president after Andrew Johnson. He was the youngest man to be elected President at that time, the eighteenth president of the United States.
General Ulysses S. Grant's brilliant siege of Vicksburg had a significant impact on the surrender of the Confederacy. This Vicksburg campaign was significant due to the fact that it basically gave the Union total control of the Mississippi River. This meant the isolation of the West and basically a clear waterway for supplies to reach the Deep South. Once this waterway was open arms, food, and soldiers could be provided for the Union soldiers in the South and open a devastating wound in the heart of the Confederacy. Once Vicksburg had been taken the West would basically be isolated and under the Unions control; in addition Grant could focus on the heart of the South. Once Vicksburg was captured, and Grant advanced
After his Presidency Grant became involved with a financial firm that later went bankrupt. Soon following he was diagnosed with cancer of the throat and died in 1885, shortly after completing his memoirs.
(Alter, 2002) Friends of his would later state he was a slow reader, but had a good memory. By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned all his school would offer, and soon, after studying at a private school in Kentucky then Ohio, he completed his high school education. (Gaines, 2009) Despite this, according to Grant, his childhood was “uneventful”. He did what most frontier children would do: go to school, do chores, ice skate, fish, and ride horses. He also hated his father’s tannery and its stench, but he showed an unparalleled talent for working with horses, so his father allowed Grant to earn his keep that way. (PBS, 2013) He bought his first horse at the age of nine using money he had earned hauling wood, and he would train horses for other farms as a teenager. (Alter, 2002) After being forced by his father at seventeen, Grant was forced to attend West Point Military Academy, where he discovered his name was not listed as a new cadet, with only a U.S. Grant being on the list, so not wanting to risk rejection, he changed his name to Ulysses S. Grant. (PBS, 2013) Some say rather he changed his name to avoid being teased by others by the initials H.U.G. (Simon, 2013) He excelled in mathematics and horsemanship, but did horribly in French. He graduated twenty first out of thirty nine cadets in his class. (PBS, 2013) After graduation, Grant was stationed with the Fourth Infantry at the Jefferson Barracks in Missouri. There, he would visit an
Sherman was born on Feb. 8, 1820, in Lancaster, Ohio. His father died when he was 9 years old. Most of the 11 children in the family were
Ulysses S. Grant was a man who grew up the hard way. He was the son of a tanner on the Western frontier. He was a man that looked mainly towards the future and could careless about the past. Grant view everything as one, he wanted to
Lee was born in the slave state of Virginia on January 19, 1807; fifteen years before Ulysses S. Grant, who was born in Ohio, a free state, on the 27th of April, 1822. The two generals led very different lives: Grant came from a religious, hard working, and relatively poor background, Lee was from an honorable family with a respectable amount of money. The two generals studied in the United States Military Academy in West Point, but with very different intentions; Grant did not have any interest on becoming a soldier, but was forced by his father to enter the school and Lee had every intention on becoming a condecorated soldier. These differences ended up greatly defining their years on the Academy; Lee, who aspired to become a great soldier and future commander, graduated second in the class of 1829, while Grant, who was not very fond of military life, was 21st in a class of 39 students and was assigned to the infantry even though he was considered an amazing horse