What is this all about? We received instruction from your office to add Sunsetter as a new entity to springs existing insurance program effective 01/08/2016. The attached invoice is for the Punitive Damage coverage. UK is a very small entity yet we are receiving a charge of over 3% on top of what was paid for the entire policy year of 8 1 2015 to 8 1 2016. SunSetter is just 6 months of this term thus actual charge is over 7 charge on annual premium of $90,744; first layer. (3212/90744) 3.54%. Both, 1st and 2nd excess Punitive Damage premiums are calculated based on 13% of the domestic premium. On the second layer the charge of $443 is % increase; total premium for period was $12,532; same percentage increase of 3.54% but since period
Enclosed please find a copy of the 08/29/17 letter from Bruce Schonberg as well as a check made payable to the Monroe-Woodbury CSD c/o Benetech in the amount of $30,000.00. The check number is 1072 and it is dated 08/28/17.
Accenture, LLP, “Employer”, and American Zurich Insurance Company, “Insurer”, by and through their undersigned attorneys, Tony D. Villeral, esq. and Franklin & Prokopik, P.C., hereby submit the District of Columbia does not have jurisdiction over the subject claim pursuant to D.C. Code § 32-1503.
Once we are able to resolve your case and you receive payment from the insurance carrier, our firm’s fee is due within thirty (30) days of you receiving payment. We will request that confirm receipt of payment from the insurance carrier, so that we may forward and follow up with an appropriate bill our firm’s services. Any event you do not receive payment from the insurance carrier within a timely basis, please notify our workers compensation department so that we can insure payment is received as early as
It is vital to find a personal injury lawyer, if you are injured in an accident. The average person might assume that any lawyer is perfect for representing their case. Clearly, this is a wrong assumption on their part. Anyone that receives a personal injury in Corpus Christi should hire a Corpus Christi Personal Injury Lawyer that is equipped with experience to handle accident injury claims for clients. Certainly, this is a vital step that should not be ignored. Here is more on the way to find the right personal injury lawyer.
Rule: Battery is the unconsented harmful or offensive touching with the intent to harm or offend. Leroy did intend to immobilize John when he grabbed him, but this was done in the defense of a third party.
In regards to the home, I show the previuos renewal was $2127.56 and the new premium is $2301.02, so that is roughly a 8% increase.
The Woburn case is an example of a complex tort case. A tort case involves any personal injury someone sustains due to the negligence of someone else. The plaintiff is taxed to prove three features: the defendant must have a duty of care for the plaintiff, the defendant breached this duty of care, and general causation. Without general causation, the defendant could have a duty of care and breached this duty of care, but there would not be a tort case only with the association between the defendant’s behavior and the personal injury sustained by the plaintiff.
The first legal consideration in this case is related to corporate liability. The hospital itself is negligent under this doctrine. Corporate negligence is the failure to provide the equipment, facilities, and staff to carry out the duties of the corporation in accordance with the established standard of conduct (Showalter, 2007). Corporate negligence is evident in this case in regard to the failure to ensure that sufficient healthcare personnel were available to provide the established standard of care to the patients in the facility. Moreover, the personnel that were required to remain at the hospital from the day shift were likely
Effective 01/016/2016, Sunsetter Products Limited Partnership is added to Springs Window Fashions’ insurance program. Attached are the respective endorsements confirming the added named insured. Please instruct Sunsetter’s previous insurance broker to cancel their policies. We will send the invoices for the additional premium shortly.
Art and Bill were leaving work one afternoon when they were approached by Charlie, who was
The title of the text is "Damage Caps and Civil Litigation: An Empirical Study of Medical Malpractice Litigation in the South" and is about "the effect that damage caps have on plaintiffs' recovery in medical malpractice litigation, using a unique data set of litigation in the South, from 1987 to 1999."(Yoon, 2001).
District 125 argues that they are immune from liability pursuant to 3-106 of the tort immunity act. Section 3-106 of the Tort Immunity Act provides immunity to recreational facilities where the basis of liability is based upon the existence of a condition of any public property intended or permitted to be used for recreational purposes. 745 ILCS 10/3-106 (emphasis added). However, Illinois courts have created exceptions to this rule. In Rexford v. City of Springfield, 207 Ill. 2d 33 (2003), the Court concluded that a school is a multiuse facility and the parking lot was substantially connected to the entire school and only incidentally to the gym. In the case at bar, parking lot D, where the accident occurred, is attached to the East building
Two individuals, the Baker brothers have been long-term employees of Bin Inc. a company earning $240,000 per year and the only company providing food to a chain of guesthouse. The Bakers each make $55,000 per year. The contract between Bin Inc. and the guesthouses was established in 1981 and is currently being renewed every three years on September 30 taking effect January 1 of the following year. Bin Inc. and the guesthouses agreed to have four deliveries per day so that guests are adequately provide for. The Bakers are aware that net profit from Bin Inc. catering operation average $240,000 per year. They also know that late arrivals have caused tension between the guesthouses and Bin Inc. a scenario that are contrary to the agreements between the parties. They have started their own food company (Bakers Inc.) and did not rule out service to the guesthouses. Since starting the company, the Bakers have been absent from Bin Inc. on a number of occasions without pay and this has contributed to the deteriorated service of Bin Inc. to the guesthouses. In addition, seven guests at the guesthouses suffered food poisoning after consuming the food (no fault of their own) on July 18, 2012 and approached the guesthouses who then informed Bin Inc. The tainted food can be traced to the work of Farknn Baker. The Bakers have conceded that Bin Inc. had a recent City inspection on July 10 and was given 15 days to improve sanitary conditions at their kitchen or face closure. Bin
Can you elect to recover your damages from the resort only, even though Tex and Rex were primarily responsible for your injuries?
[20-24]: Overheard conversation between Sky Martin and Shaw in regards to firing individuals based on age.