
Supervisor Application Letter

Satisfactory Essays

I would like to thank you for this opportunity to promote to Communications Dispatch Supervisor, even just being considered for this position is truly an honor. I have been a member of the Sheriff’s Department just over 2 years and in that time I have taken every opportunity possible in order to better myself not only personally but professionally. In my time here I have completed 40 hours of CIT training through PCSD & TPD, completed and participated in the Pima County Attorney’s Office Victim Services 35 hour class and volunteer work. I have volunteered and participated for Stop & Approach exercises with deputies as well as role plays for our own section. More recently I also was given the opportunity to participate in Oral Boards for new 911 Dispatcher applicants and I have applied to become a SWAT dispatcher. I am also in the process of being approved to attend online classes offered through Pima County that will give me access to multiple classes on Leadership, Management, Communications and other skills that will only improve my performance. I have participated in …show more content…

Working for Morgan Stanley I was the youngest cashier they ever had which presented several challenges for me which included being confronted about my age, comprehension and experience. I pride myself on being able to not only operate professionally and gracefully with difficult co-workers but through my actions and discipline I upheld the highest standards of transparency which in turn earned their respect. Another past experience would be the time I spent as a Shift Supervisor at Starbucks. In this position I was responsible for consistent customer service provided by all employees, recognition of employee’s achievements and overall shift success. Throughout my time I also took advantage of every opportunity I could and became a certified Barista, Learning Coach (Trainer) and Coffee

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