
Surrogates And Custody: A Case Study

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Who are the Parents? Surrogates and Custody In 1986, there was a surrogacy case that called into question the rights of surrogate mothers and the rights of the family that employed the surrogate. The famed Baby M case revolved around the contract between Mary Beth Whitehead and William Stern and his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth had a severe medical condition that could be aggravated by pregnancy. Therefore, the Sterns reached out for a surrogate. The Sterns would compensate Ms. Whitehead a sum of $10,000 for carrying the child to term and relinquishing all parental rights. Ms. Whitehead would have parental rights because she was a traditional surrogate, which involves using the surrogate’s egg and donor sperm. The other form of surrogacy is gestational, …show more content…

Whitehead gave the child to the Sterns, however, she decided to take the child back. As the Sterns had a contract, they decided to sue. The lower New Jersey court decided that the contract was legal and the child had to go to the Sterns, however, the New Jersey Supreme Court overruled decision, but gave William Stern custody and Mary Beth Whitehead visitation rights. Baby M, on her eighteenth birthday, decided to terminate her contact with Ms. Whitehead and be formally adopted by Elizabeth Stern. This case has called into question the rights of all the people involved with having a child through a surrogate. As medical science has advanced, traditional surrogacy has become less popular. With surrogates more often not being the biological mother, does this mean that they have no rights to the child or is it seen as selling a child?
The case of Baby M and the New Jersey Supreme Court’s ruling has caused discussions about surrogacy and surrogacy laws to halt. Any laws regarding surrogacy is implemented at the state level; there is no federal law about surrogacy. With no regulation of surrogates and surrogacy clinics, people are likely to use people they find themselves. This could leave people in debt, without the child they hoped for, or with a record that states they tried to buy a

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