
Survey on Water Scarcity & Conservation

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Survey on Water Scarcity & Conservation Water is becoming a limited natural resource in the world. In an article published on National Geographic website about “Fresh Water Crisis” [1] it has mentioned that out of the 70% of water which is covering the earth, only 2.5% is suitable for drinking and just 1% of fresh water is easily accessible. In the same article the author talks about how people are wasting this limited resource. The growing scarcity of water is due to the rapid growth of population, rising demand for food and cash crops, increasing urbanization and rising standard of living. On the other hand people are writing articles and papers about how to solve this scarcity issue and all the resources presented about …show more content…

When analyzing the survey results of version 1 & 2 of the survey, it was noted that the Male participation (67.5%) was higher than the Female participation (32.5%). Because of this turn up, I could not come to conclusion on the effect of Gender. As for the 2nd Question (refer to Figure Q2) on percentage of fresh water, it was very clear that in version 1 (blue) lots of people manage to get near to the correct answer (5% or less) where else in version 2 (red) lots of people had the same mind set as me to chose something big (50%-70%). This proves one thing; descriptive picture (refer to Figure 1) does make a difference on how people respond to questions and with these picture people will be more aware of the issue. When it comes to the question on Scarcity of Water (refer to Figure Q3), version 1 (blue) responders most of them were saying it’s a critical issue and version 2 (red) responders results were scattered around the middle indicating that they were unsure about the issue. Figure Q2 Figure Q3 Question on Actions taken to conserve water (refer to Figure Q4) indicated some interesting finding, which is almost 60% of the responders regardless of the version; they did not take part in any movement towards conserving water. This result implies that people are still not into conserving water and we need make people more aware about it. Figure Q4 Figure Q5 Final question (refer to Figure Q5) on “Can we do something

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