
Suspend Students

Decent Essays

“Suspension rates have more than doubled over the past three decades across all grade levels”(TIME). Suspending is a form of punishment for students who disobey or violate the rules of the school. Nonetheless, schools tend to choose to suspend students because it is cheaper and more convenient for the school and the teachers. However, schools should come up with a new system that does not involve suspending students, as being suspended causes a number of issues for the child. Schools should not suspend students from school as it would impact the student’s future, the suspension system is extremely unfair, and lastly suspension results in the student missing crucial lessons and classes. To begin, being suspended from school has huge impact …show more content…

To start off, some schools are racist and will suspend students based on their race, culture and/or religion. According to data collected by The Department of Education “ students are 3 1/2 times as likely to be suspended or expelled as their white peers” (TIME). Also, another survey by the Office for Civil Right gathered from 72 000 different schools found that “...1 in 5 African-American boys received an out-of-school suspension during the 2009–10 academic year, compared with about 1 in 14 white boys” (TIME). To continue, many students who are poor or have a low income were more likely to get suspended. “Consequently, teachers and other school personnel may harbor negative assumptions about the ability, aspirations and work ethic of these students—especially poor students of colour,” (Ohio State University). Moreover, many students are being suspended for really unnecessary and insane reasons. “Out-of-school suspensions have become the default punishment not only for drug possession and fights but also for threats, displays of affection, dress-code violations, truancy, tardiness, refusal to follow directions, even 4-year-olds' temper tantrums”(TIME). For example, “one of eight students issued one-day suspensions for the boisterous singing in November 2011. The official reason listed on the suspension slips was "willful disobedience." Two other students received two-day suspensions for allegedly cursing amid the singing.” (TIME) To finish off, there should be a ban on suspending students as many student are being unfairly suspended from school as the students will be missing out on vital classes and lessons that will aid them in the

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