
Suspense In Pinto

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1. I think Donna finally lets loose with this expression of terror, even though she is now relatively safe in the car because she processes thing slowly and she was shocked or holding pressure. First, in paragraph 23 it states, "And suddenly it occurred to her that if she had not automatically rolled her window up as she brought the Pinto to a stop (something her father had insisted on: stop the car, roll up the windows, set the brake, take the keys, lock the car), she would now be minus her throat. Her blood would be on the wheel, the dash, the windshield." This tells us she is somewhat relieved that she is somewhat away from the dog. Next, she is focusing on the dog and even though she is in the car, they are still in danger. She can't get …show more content…

Many details hold the reader's attention on creating suspense in the story. One detail that holds the reader's attention is by telling the readers the whole story and the characters in the story don't know what is happening. This creates suspense so the readers will want to keep on reading the book or watch the movie since they want to know what will happen to the character. Another detail is that suspense makes you feel like you are a part of the story or makes you want to be part of the story. You know who is the villain so you will want to step in the plot and solve the conflict. In the story, Cujo, the author creates suspense by making a dog the villain and a little boy and mom facing it. In paragraph 14 it states, "And the dog seemed to know. His terrible, thoughtless eyes never left Donna Trenton's wide blue eyes." Telling us that the dog is evil and is targeting to kill someone. In paragraph 15 it states, "The Tad saw the dog, recognized the blood which streaked its fur, and shrieked." This tells me that Tad saw the dog and got terrified so he started screaming. If we stopped reading from here, then we would keep on wondering and thinking about what would happen to Donna and Tad. It would put us on the edge of our seats because we want Donna and Tad to survive. We need to finish the book or else we will be very eager to find out what will happen next. The author also includes other details that make the story suspenseful. For example, in paragraph 23 it states, "Cujo began to bark again, the sound incredibly loud even through the Saf-T-Glas. And suddenly it occurred to her that is she had not rolled up her window up as she brought the Pinto to a stop..." This creates more suspense because we would wonder if there are any other windows that have not been rolled up or if the dog will still find a way to kill them. All of this would make us want to finish the story to know the

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