
Suspense In The Story 'The Lady Or The Tiger'

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In the story “The Lady Or The Tiger” it was a very dramatic and suspenseful story. Personally I believe that the tiger came out first because it states on page 13 “it was the duty and the prevlege of the person on trial, to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. But once again this is just my opinion and I could very well be wrong. Another reason it kind of creates suspense is on page 13 it also says “doleful iron bells were changed great wails went up from the hired mummers posted on the outer rim of the arena.” Throughout the whole story it gives a lot of suspense because it makes really loud noises all through the story that I would think would be more likely to be a tiger than it would to be a lady, but I could be wrong. This was the king’s semibarbic method of administering justice. I think those noises are a great hint throughout the whole story that it was the …show more content…

On page 14 it states that whatever it was that came through the door had to be very big and very imperious. Another hint on page 15, is that maybe the young man had made it where when the tiger came through instead of of the woman. “She knew in which of the two rooms that lay behind those doors stood the cage of the big and impervious tiger.” Something else that makes me think that it was the tiger was that they gave so many hints about it but they didn’t give near as many hints or clues about the lady as they did the tiger. On page 17 they did give one hint about her they said “He understood her nature, and his soul was assured that she would never rest until she had made plain to herself this thing.” But the best hint of the whole entire story is when she said “her one despiring shriek was lost and drowned.” So that right there is a good enough clue that the tiger more than likely came out first since she said she was kind of crushed

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