
Sustainable Income From Offshore Sustainable Agriculture

Decent Essays


Here at International Coffee Farms we believe that owning sustainable offshore agriculture for a long-term sustainable income is the…

“Opportunity of the Decade”
For almost 3 years now we have been putting our money where our mouth is…since the summer of 2012 until April 2014 as consultants to a developing coffee farming enterprise in Colombia, and since June of 2014 as Principals in our own specialty coffee farms here in Boquete, Panama.
The notion that investing in agricultural land is a very good way to diversify a risky, highly-correlated and often manipulated portfolio of paper assets in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s, etc.
……is no surprise to us!

We have told our …show more content…

We also understand that the sustainability we talk about constantly is not only economic. Sure money counts. But so does the environment and, very importantly, the people who are largely responsible for growing and producing the specialty coffee we all desperately need every morning of our lives. These are the people who produce our profits! Providing social sustainability is a critical pillar in any business model that is going to last for generations to provide a legacy income for you and your heirs.
At International Coffee Farms we have set aside a full 20% of our coffee farm profits to ensure the local indigenous Panamanian Indian farmers working for us are cared for properly.
That’s true social sustainability!

Increased salaries, improved living and working conditions, new sanitary and laundry facilities and helping with the kid’s educational needs are but a few of the benefits we provide. This bonus pool exists so that all workers can share in the value created by turning-around poorly run existing commercial coffee farms into professionally run specialty coffee farms. We invest in our people and we believe they will return the favor by caring for our coffee.
Happy farmers = Happy coffee!
Our unique approach to Social Sustainability is a joint responsibility equally shared

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