
Swot Analysis Of Braum 's Incorporation

Decent Essays

Braum’s Incorporation is a vertically integrated company (owns multiple segments of industry and merges them together) which allows them to produce their products to the quality and standards they want. The corporation produces meat, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. They have 280 stores located throughout Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, and the majority located in Oklahoma, where their headquarters are (About Us 2016). The chains of stores located in these areas provide hamburgers, ice cream, and a small grocery store for their customers. Although Braum’s provides all of these commodities they’re mainly known for their ice cream. When it comes to the production of these products and how much the company should produce each year many factors come into play. Some of these factors include weather, taxes for that year, wage increases, outbreaks of pests destroying crops, human error in the production line, increased gas and diesel fuel prices, and so on. Many of these factors are random events from nature or a new law implemented by the government that puts strict regulations on the production of a certain product. For instance, in 2014, a major drought occurred in the Midwest states, which resulted in low water resources and the reduction of feed for cattle produced that year. This resulted in an increase in beef prices and the reduction of beef produced for that year (Midwest 2014). Events like this can make or break a business and it’s up to the owner of the

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