
Swot Analysis : SWOT Analysis Of An Elementary School

Decent Essays

The organization
• My organization is an elementary school consisting of just under 500 students from pre-k – grade 5.
• This school is a Title 1 school with 86 % of students are on free and reduced lunch.
• The school population consist of 45 % African Americans, 40% Hispanics, 9% whites, 2% other or more races, 1% Asians, 1% American Indians and 1% Hawaii Natives.
• The vision of the school is to work collaboratively with parents to provide a safe learning environment that fosters academic achievement through intellectual, social, emotional growth and development to reach the highest potential for each student.
• Thus, the purpose of the SWOT Analysis is unearth whether the school is achieving its vision.
• To establish such connection – …show more content…

• In the area of weakness – There is a Lack of parental support at home. Many parents are on section 8 and they stay home, however, students do not get their academic activities completed, such as homework. So there is a lack of accountability for parents.
• Another weakness is teacher training development, there is not enough professional development training for the teachers.
• In addition, students achievement needs are not met especially the sp. ed. and ESL student whose academic levels fall below average students. Some students basic language foundation were not met for whatever reason, thus they are performing two or three grade levels below their actual grade.
• This in turn impact state testing, classroom academic and more.
• There is also a need to change in the internal culture of the school. From informal interview it would appear some teachers due to frustration and their voices not being heard have given up on themselves and students alike.
• Technology is deemed a strength but it is also a weakness because the tools used are outdated or the system does allow teachers to have more control of the students chrome books outside of school, so even though they are sent home, some students are still fallen behind academically.
• Again the lack of time for teachers and all staff to process and analyze new change. For example, one teacher explained that this was her 7th year in the school and 5 of those year she

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