
Swot Of Debt

Decent Essays

Current Cash and Debt Position: Strengths
You are currently in a strong position in regards to your cash flow and debt. Annually, you have a surplus of around $12,000. We recommend exploring investment and savings options to maximize the potential of this surplus. You possess a small amount of debt that you are paying off at a steady rate, and are currently taking care of your credit card debt monthly without letting it collect quite a bit of interest. This is good because it allows your assets to be used in a positive manner and help fund your goals. Current Cash and Debt Position: Areas of Improvement
You are currently not using your retirement accounts to their full extent or maxing them out. Each type of retirement account has a maximum …show more content…

It is unnecessary to pay it all off at once due to your wish to purchase a new home in the near future. A mortgage is a debt taken on an appreciating asset and if you plan to move before paying off the note, it is more beneficial to continue making your normal payments and deducting the interest on your tax returns. This also protects your savings and leaves you with a comfortable amount in case something arises. A loan amortization table breaking out the loan payments and timeline is located in the …show more content…

At retirement, we believe your home will sell for $370,000. We recommend placing a down payment greater than 20% on the new home and taking out a 15-year mortgage to cover the remaining costs. The remainder of the amount received from the sale of your current home should be invested and saved to cover costs throughout retirement. We recommend a 15-year mortgage because it increases the chance of you owning the home outright at the end of the plan and thus pass it to your children debt-free. Though the payments are higher than a 30-year mortgage, you will be paying less in interest and increase the likelihood of owning it outright. With a $400,000 dollar home, we recommend an $80,000 down payment and a $320,000 15-year mortgage at a 2.75% interest rate for a yearly payment of $27,245 or $2,271 a month. This annual amount is less than you are paying on your current home. A breakdown of what this mortgage will look like is located in the

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