
Symbolism In Lord Of The Flies

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There are many qualities necessary in order for a writer to become a Nobel Prize winner. Although it is not set in stone, there are certain things these writers have in common in terms of their works. According to the writing styles of Camus in The Stranger and Golding in the Lord of the Flies, the authors invent vivid characters that elaborate on a deeper level of thinking since they represent something greater than just a mere human being. Throughout the novel, The Lord of the Flies, Golding draws each character and event as a symbol, effectively making this work an allegory. A group of boys get stranded on an island and must survive on their own accord basically in savagery, illustrating survival techniques and instincts of humans. We witness that the Lord of the Flies itself symbolizes the innate human evil we all have inside and demonstrates to us how, without societal structure and rules to keep everyone stable, the “evil” of sorts can overcome the good. Additionally, if interpreting the book from a biblical allusion, the Lord of the Flies can represent Satan or the devil, which highlights and provokes the bad nature within human beings, also acting as a temptation for humans to give into, while Simon can represent Jesus or the good in humanity being overcome by the evil. In the book, each character represents a different part of instinctive human qualities. Simon, who represents the decency and the good of people, opposite of animalistic tendencies, demonstrates a loss of humanity when he dies. The main purpose in the Lord of the Flies is to portray the reality of human evil as well as violence and brutality found in humanity, specifically in war (Golding). Generally, this book was marketed and intended for an older audience who can understand deeper human issues and rules set by the society. It was also based loosely off the savage, vicious nature of World War II at the time when Golding wrote the novel. Lord of the Flies was William Golding’s first publication and novel, which quickly become a worldwide hit, or bestseller, as written in the passage. As Swedish Academy put it into words, William Golding grasps the interests of both people who only read for pleasure, because of its excitement within

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