
Symbolism In The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Decent Essays

The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Through meeting five influential people in heaven, Eddie “Maintenance” comes to learn the principles of forgiveness. The Five People You Meet in Heaven embodies this theme of virtue by introducing Eddie’s last person, Tala, the most innocent of all. The author may have used Tala as Eddie’s fifth person in heaven because if the innocence she represents. Up until he met Tala, Eddie had the perception that his life was essentially meaningless. Eddie had held grudges against people and, in his opinion, not done all that he could with his life. Tala uses her own heaven to teach him the effects he has on others and how important it is for him to forgive. Tala says to Eddie, “You wash me.” Tala is covered in burn scars, because she was a victim of a fire in the Philippines, which Eddie and his men caused. Once Eddie begins to wash Tala in the river water, the burned and charred skin seems to brushes away. Tala is clean, and this scene serves as a symbol of …show more content…

It represents Eddie washing away all the pain and trouble he caused others in his life, and Tala cane him because of this. In addition to the forgiveness symbolized by the cleansing of Tala, there is another admonition to this scene. The water of the river where Tala is sitting is a symbol of rebirth as well. Water is clean, clear, and pure. Purity is what Eddie comes to feel in heaven; He is cleansed of his sin. With the combination of purity and innocence that is symbolized by both the water and the cleansing of Tala in the river, Eddie is taught to forgive. Correspondingly, this is Eddie’s fifth lesson he learns in heaven. This absolution is what Eddie has needed his whole life. Eddie feels like the fact that all he’s done with his life is work as maintenance at Ruby Pier is simply not up to his full

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