
Symbolism In The Love Song Of J Prufrock

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In the poem “The Love Song of J. Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot, the use of symbolism is very prevalent and used to capture the feeling of life on the outside of society and wishing to be in. It also makes a statement about the marching of time and the question of relationships within someone’s life. The themes of isolation, alienation, and indecision play an important role in this work through symbolism, and Eliot’s purpose of this work is to make the reader question the importance of roles within society.
The themes of isolation and alienation have many symbols throughout the story, and play an important role in the story of J. Prufrock’s life. The first symbol Eliot uses to symbolize the isolation Prufrock feels is the “etherized patient”. This symbol is used to create the powerful imagery of a man looking at himself from outside of his body, a clarity most never get. This is a hard reality for Prufrock to face, because he is not happy with what he sees. Scrutinizing himself wholeheartedly, he is very disappointed with what he sees and he is beginning to get to the truth behind why he is abandoned by society. The yellow fog, or the cat, also symbolizes society’s isolation of those who are different, misunderstood, or lower class. This yellow fog that “curls around the house” and looks through the window at the women. This “cat” symbolizes Prufrock’s desire to be included in society with his peers, specifically women. He also uses the imagery of a bug “sprawling on a pin” being dissected to describe the way he feels in society’s eyes. He feels that any time he is looked at, people are picking apart his flaws, such as his balding head or his older age, much like a bug is dissected for its body parts. This is the second of two animal symbols Eliot uses to convey the isolation and alienation that is felt by Prufrock. The final symbol used to describe the feeling of isolation and alienation, and the final animal symbol used, is the crab. Because Prufrock is so insecure about himself in every facet, he believes he is something even lower than a human being, like a crab crawling along the bottom of the ocean. Not only does he believe he does not deserve to be a human, but he believes he should be an animal on the bottom

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