

Decent Essays

All authors of famous short stories want their reader to be engaged in their readings. Most authors have their own unique and different ideas brought into their text. That’s what I think symbolism means in terms of English Literature. It is creating the background for us readers. The author wants us to connect the dots in the story. When the author makes the connection, we are more engaged and interested in what else he has to write. Most symbols used in literature are objects used to represent other things or ideas. There are several ways to recognize symbolism in literature. One of common ways is the frequency an object or character is mentioned in a piece of literature. If it is mentioned often, it is probably important. (Jones) Another …show more content…

Charlotte began to understand her roles of wife and mother as the root causes of her depression. Subsequently, she separated from Charles and eventually divorced him. Charlotte published "The Yellow Wallpaper," a fictional short story based on her experience with the rest cure, in 1892. Katharine Beecher Stetson, as she grew older, came to resent her mother for what she saw as her abandonment. Likewise, Charlotte was critical of herself for this decision as well, as part of her wanted to fulfill the motherly role successfully, to give Katharine all the love she had never received from her own mother. However, her aspirations as a writer and lecturer superseded any goal of traditional womanhood. “The Yellow Wall-paper” is about a woman who suffers from mental illness after three months of being closeted in a room by her husband for the sake of her health. She becomes obsessed with the room 's revolting yellow wallpaper. The narrator in the story must do as her husband, who is also her doctor, demands, although the treatment he prescribes contrasts directly with what she truly needs — mental stimulation and the freedom to escape the monotony of the room to which she is confined. "The Yellow Wall-paper" was essentially a response to the doctor who had tried to cure her of her depression through a "rest cure", Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell, and she sent him a copy of the story. Towards the end of Gilman’s life, she was diagnosed with Breast cancer. She then committed

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