
Symbolism in Salvage the Bones

Satisfactory Essays

Emily Edenfield Dr. Mattingly Composition 2 March 13, 2013 Symbolism in “Salvage the Bones” by Jesmyn Ward Jesmyn Ward, in her novel “Salvage the Bones”, has told the story of a family that lived in Mississippi when the incident of Hurricane Katrina occurred in 2005, getting back to her own memories of the Hurricane which she experienced in De Lisle, Mississippi. With the use of provocative symbolism throughout the novel, Ward has very interestingly narrated how the family suffered through the Hurricane, and how they spent their lives without any concern for the future. This paper probes into the symbolism and metaphors Ward used in the novel. The greatest symbolism that the reader finds in the novel is Esch’s body. Esch is the …show more content…

The muscles’ jabbering like chickens is again a beautiful example of symbolism-cum-metaphor. Ward writes, “…her skin was dark as the reaching oak trees” (22), and “…until his legs turn to noodles and he is sliding down Randall like a pole” (43), which are beautiful expressions of her crafting of symbolism, metaphors, and similes in her novel. So, we see that metaphorical language can be found more often throughout

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