
Sacrifice: The Fracking Of The Bones

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Throughout the history of the world, there have been many occurrences of sacrificial rituals. The entirety of these rituals include giving up something of value as an offering to a deity. The exact origin of ritual sacrifices is debated by historians around the world, along with the commencement of the idea. A lot can be understand about a culture, simply by their reason and way of sacrifice. The intention of this kind of sacrifice was not pain or suffering. Rather, life was being returned to the divine world so that the gods would continue to give life to the human world. Complete knowledge surrounding the sacrifices is not there, but theories help provide a strong foundation. Although, the roots of different mythologies are similar there …show more content…

The story is derived from the Norse Eddas and tells the story of Thor and Loki’s trip to Utgard. After a day of travel in Thor’s goat-drawn chariot, they arrive at a deserted farm inhibited by only one poor family. The family offered lodging, but they were too poor to be able to offer much food. Thor slaughtered his goats and boiled up a stew. Thor spread the goatskins on the ground and told the family to place all of the bones onto the skins after they eat all of the meat and to be careful not to break any of the bones. During the feast, The son of the farmer is so hungry that he secretly cracks open a thighbone to eat the marrow. The next morning, Thor struck the bones and skins with his hammer. Magically, the goats get revived and are as lively as ever. However, one of the goats was lame from his cracked thighbone. Thor saw that someone in the family had not treated the bones with proper care and became enraged. The peasant family begged for forgiveness by offering their possessions for forgiveness. Thor finally settled on the two children to be his servants for eternity. (Short) This story shares many of the same beliefs held by other countries. Danish Christian missionaries explained that it was important to them to collect all of the bones of the sacrificed animal so that the gods could bring them back to life. There are many similar stories that share the general concept of a sacrificed animal being reassembled so that the sacrifice of one animal ensured that there would be more animals in the future.

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