
Symbols In Mr. Sen, By Mrs. C. Lahiri

Decent Essays

Once upon a time, she was a wealthy woman in Bengali, theere, she feed the poor on festival days. But after came to calcatta, she did not have any wealth, even, she does have good food to eat, wear dirty clothes and sleep on the old newspapers. Lahiri used ,some metaphors in this story, cocunut trees, cattle, rosewood and women with saries. Using metaphors described about not only person and also thing. She has given a plase by the Bengali people and every day, she sleep unter the letter box. Bengali people of those appartments give her food and other items but still, they considers her “as a refuge” and she consiter her herself also “ an outsider”. She feels herself, she has no place in the world. She faced double trouble, that is, she is not Indian and also belongs to the lower caste. According to Gayatri C.Spivak, the caste system of India is worse than “racism” of other countries and calls both India and United states “bad, but in different ways.”(13) She interpret her own identity and class status. Much of her …show more content…

But in her one of the collection, Mrs.Sen’s is bviously dealt with the pain of culturaly alienation and nostalgic feeling of the migrated people in a foriegn land, through out the character Mrs. Sen. She is the protagonist of the story, mistress of the University professor, a thirty year old home maker. She migrated from Calcutta to Boston with her husband mistress who teaches in the university of Boston. This not only the changes of location but also facing the problem of traditional and cultural conflict where they were migrated as well as they injured by socialy and psychologically causing a strong sense of lonliness and segregation. Mrs. sen coud not adopt by hostculturalwhere she missings her own traditional. Lahiri mentioned in an interview that she depicted the character of Mrs. Sen while in her mind, she keeping about her mother and women of her

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