
Sympathy And The Caged Bird Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Poems can be the same ,but could have slight differences that change perspective ad the way you feel about the poem. In the poems “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou and “Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar are two poems about a bird trapped in a cage but each is told differently with a different perspective. These two story also are very like in a way that you feel the same way or can relate to both of these stories in the same way. These poems leave a message in your head , but one is more meaningful compared to the other. One tells of someone realizing why the caged bird fights to be freed while the other tells the story of a caged bird as a narrator. I believe the most meaningful poem is Sympathy because I feel there is more emotion in this poem like in the first line is say””. This shows that no matter what this bird will fight to be free no matter how strong the bars are he must try and try to become free. No matter how big his scars and cuts re he still fights to be free and never gives into the likes of becoming pessimistic or hopeless. While in the other poem, the …show more content…

In line it says “” This shows that the bird sings not of joy, but of sorrow ,of sadness, a cry for help, while being stuck in his cage. He prays to be free and to not be enslaved in his cage where he must stay till he dies yet he prays to be free out in the wild, free of restraint and boredom. While in the other poem it says on line “” . This shows that this bird sings with fear that he will be stuck forever in his cage but doesn't beat against the cage. He just sings with sadness and not sing because he is worn out because he is stuck and simply has no way of trying to get out. This shows that the one in the poem sympathy is fighting with all his might, then sings while the other bird’s wings are clipped so and his feet are tied so all he can do is sing for someone to help

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