
Symptoms And Treatment Of Copd

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COPD is a disease that progressively worsen over time and has no cure. In most cases, it occurs in smokers who have smoked cigarettes for many years. The reason COPD is so common in smokers is due to the destruction that happens to the cilia in the nares and bronchioles. The cilia help to protect the lungs from foreign pathogens that enter through the nares. The destruction of the cilia by the fumes of the cigarette, smoke the pathogens enter the respiratory system and irritate the bronchioles. The irritated bronchioles induce the inflammatory process that produce mucus that block the bronchioles. The inflammation causes the airway passages to become narrower resulting in Bronchiolitis. Often the patient develops a productive or a …show more content…

Currently, the 62-year-old female was admitted to the hospital with dyspnea, fatigue and chronic productive cough with light green sputum. After a few days of exacerbations, the patient developed a headache. Further information obtained by the auscultation of the patient 's lung indicated secretion build up causing diminished lungs sound. Shortness of Breath was evident when the patient spoke and the use of accessory muscles was apparent as I observed the respiratory rate at 23 breaths a minute. The chest was bilaterally symmetric as the patient breath. On room air, the patient’s oxygen saturation level was 87 percent. The patient spirometer results show FEV1 was at 55 percent. The inability of the patient’s lung to efficiently exchange gas lead to the patient’s SOB. When the brain senses a decrease in oxygen perfusion in the tissues throughout the body, it will cause an increase in the patient 's breathing rate. The rise of the respirations is an attempt to restore the normal oxygen levels in the body. The increased respiration will not improve the circulation of oxygen in the body until the inflammation and mucus secretions have been treated. Improved oxygenation will not ensue due to the increased accumulation of CO2 in the lungs as a result of the airway blockage. When the patient inhales the bronchiole muscles relax and dilate to allow air to penetrate through to the lungs, but during exhalation the muscle constricts. This

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