
Symptoms And Treatment Of Ulcers

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In today’s world, elderlies suffering with ulcers are very common. Ulcers are sores that occurs on the external surface or internal surface of the body, which is caused by a break in the skin that does not fully recover or fail to heal. Ulcers come in different forms, targeting different areas, due to different reasons with some slight similarities to them.. People with ulcers has many treatment options, depending on their case, stage, and kind of ulcer, for example stasis and pressure ulcer. Stasis and pressure ulcer are two ulcers that has lack of blood flow as a factor why it occurs, even though it gives a different outcome for both ulcers. Pressure ulcers is also known as pressure sores or bed sores, these sores occur when an individual is not being repositioned for some time, causing constant pressure to an area. Some of the etiology of pressure ulcers stated by Jones, D (2013) are, “poor nutritional status, posture problems, medications, reduced blood flow, and reduced mobility”. Elderly nursing home patients has a very high rate of gaining this kind of ulcer due to limited or reduced mobility and bed rest causing the blood flow to be cut off due to the constant pressure. On the other hand, there is stasis ulcer, also known as venous stasis ulcer, a skin condition which occurs in people with poor circulation. The stasis ulcer usually occurs in the lower legs. The etiology of stasis ulcer stated by Beckerle, Carla Moore, “Pathogenesis of venous system can result in

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