
Symptoms and Treatments of Hemochromatosis

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Hemochromatosis, also called iron overload, is a disease when the body absorbs too much iron from the food we eat and most often affects the liver, heart, pancreas, and skin. It is usually caused by genes in the body that mutate keeping them from working. Some signs and symptoms of this disease are weakness, joint pain, low libido, and/or if the disease has progressed to far diabetes or heart failure. Hemochromatosis is one of the more difficult diseases to diagnose because many symptoms are nonspecific and usually many people don’t show as many symptoms except elevated iron levels in their blood. Most will be treated with blood transfusions until the normal level of iron is reached. If diagnosed early the prognosis is excellent with possible checkups or phlebotomies.
Hemochromatosis is a disease with signs and symptoms that are very “vague” and can be taken as symptoms for another disease. These nonspecific symptoms are usually the early signs of the disease. These symptoms are joint pain, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, stomach pain, impotence, early menopause and/or possible skin bronzing. Some symptoms may be more severe such as diabetes and heart failure. Yet, not all symptoms show which does make it harder to diagnose.
Severe Symptoms
Severe symptoms only happen if hemochromatosis is not found and treated early. The most common complaint of this disease is joint pain, which is the least of their worries considering they caught it early. Although

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